What is Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)?
Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) is a holistic evolved over millennia cure. It takes into account the changing relationship between body and mind and the importance of living conditions and the environment for health.
The aim of TCM is to promote the self-healing power of the body by involving not only the body, but also the feelings and the consciousness of a person.
TCM supports the school medicine in the treatment with several diseases.
TCM provides different therapy methods, such as: acupuncture, Tuina massage, herbal therapy, cupping, nutrition counseling, moxibustion, heat application, etc.

Where can TCM help?

With frequent diseases like
Hay fever, allergies, skin problems, neck and shoulder pain, herniated disc, lumbago, tennis elbow, Achilessehnenschmerzen, sports injuries, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, migraine headaches, tinnitus, fatigue, nervousness, sleep disorder, anxiety and depression, smoking cessation, weight problems, digestive disorders, clogging, stomach upset, irritable bowel syndrome, shingles, hypertension, metabolic diseases
Useful adjuvant
Side effects after surgery care of cancer patients
For men
Prostate diseases impotence infertility
For women
Menstrual disorders menopausal symptoms Fertility
For children
Abdominal pain difficulty concentrating increase school performance